Öppettider – Tännäskröket

Opening hours


Reception and sports shop

A warm welcome, we have opened for the summer season V.27 - V.32!

Monday - Sunday 9.00 - 18.00

You can also reach us by phone:
0684-240 00 or email bokning@tannaskroket.se

You can stay with us every day of the year!

Lifts opening hours

Welcome to the 2024/25 winter season 


A warm welcome, we have opened for the summer season V.27 - V.32!

Lunch serviceMonday - Saturday 11.30 - 17.30

Coffee shop is open: Monday - Sunday 09.00 - 18.00

Ttheme evenings: Fridays from Kl Pizzabuffet! Pre-booking of tables is required. Bookings can be made via 0684-24 000 or rastaurang@tannaskroket.se

Don't forget to pre-register any allergies or alternative diets.

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