The story of Tännäskröket
There is something special about Tännäskröket.
That genuine, authentic mountain feeling, when nature is untouched and the atmosphere has been shaped by the mountain pastures of the past.
But how did Tännäskröket get its soul? Who helped shape the place into what it is today?
Here is the story of Tännäskröket.

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was a giant living in the area. One day, when the villagers decided to build a church in Tännäs, the giant was furious.
- "I'm going to stop them." he shouted, hurling the entire mountain massif at the little village. Fortunately for the villagers, the giant missed the village and instead created the mountains Hemkröket, Mellankröket and Östestkröket - what is now known as Tännäskröket.
Life goes on in the village and the giant is soon forgotten. It is at this time that the villagers start skiing down the steep slopes of the Curve. There is a catch, however. In order to go back down, they have to walk back up the mountain, dragging their skis.
- "We're building a lift." someone said at a village council meeting. And said and done. Soon a chairlift will be proudly displayed on the north side of Hemkröket.

Erskines holiday village
One day the Kullenberg family arrives from Gothenburg. The Kullenbergs become completely enamoured of the place and decide that they want to build a whole holiday village on Kröket.
- "Only the best is good enough." say the Kullenbergers and hire Ralph Erskine, the leading architect of the day. Erskine takes the pen and makes an incredibly extensive detailed plan with over 650 houses spread over Hemkröket & Mellankröket. Unfortunately, the plan is scrapped and the holiday villages Fjällvattnet, Fjällbyn and Fjällkällan are built instead.

German hunters
During the 80s, more and more Germans start to go to Sweden. They build cottages in Småland, buy road signs with moose on them and even buy in Tännäs. Now the area becomes a sought-after place full of German hunters.
A place of your own in the mountains
Stockholm, early 2000s. Torbjörn and Margita Callenholt, who are entrepreneurs in the property industry, hear about Tännäs from a neighbour. The neighbour, who is a cottage owner in the area, tells them that the village association is looking for investors. They become curious and go to Tännäs to see the place with their own eyes. Margita & Torbjörn are completely captivated and decide to buy and renovate the facility. The idea of a place of their own in the mountains begins to emerge.

From China to Tännäs
Margita and Torbjörn's daughter Jenny lives and works in Shanghai at the time of the family's investment in Tännäs. Deniz Bulus, also a Swedish exile, and Jenny meet and soon become a couple. Back in Sweden, the very enthusiastic Torbjörn and Margita talk about their new project in Funäsdalen.
- "But there is still a lot to do before we can move from a ski resort to a true skiers' paradise."
Jenny and Deniz decide to move upstairs and tackle this work.

Dreams take shape
They decide to go for a really high standard in terms of design, quality and materials. At the same time, the soul of the village must be preserved and the feeling of mountain holidays from the past must remain. It must also not be too expensive and exclusive to come here. It is with these dreams and visions that the new Tännäskröket begins to take shape.

Construction in progress
Now things are happening in Tännäs. A new ski system with new lifts is being built in the mountains. Roads, sewage treatment plant, cottage area, apartments, camping, restaurant and sports shop are being built. Nirvan Richter from the furniture and interior design shop Norrgavel is giving several of the cabins a local touch. The new Tännäskröket opens for the Christmas holidays in 2004.

New visions
Here we are today. New enthusiasts have joined the operation, including Alexander Blomquist, an enthusiast from a family with a history in snowmaking, lift systems and ski resort operations.
Jonas Kojan has joined as CEO in 2023 and together with the Callenholt family, they are forging ahead with new visions.
Work is under way to develop the area and the ski area, more summer activities and additional services. A new detailed plan is being drawn up at Mellankröket to enable more tasteful accommodation with magnificent views of the mountain massif. There are also plans for a mountain hotel with a beautiful bathhouse with views and swimming both inside and out.
Somehow, the ideas and desire to make Tännäskröket a place for guests to come home to, where they can enrich their lives with new experiences, memories and encounters, today and in the future, never fails.
Yet there are some things that will never change. Villagers and the team at Tännäskröket alike are as proud as ever of the place and its traditions. And the giant, he still keeps a watchful eye on the village.