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Hiking in Funäsfjällen
Summer in the mountains means something truly unique. The magnificent nature in Funäsfjällen offers one of Scandinavia's largest mountain experiences for those who love hiking in the mountains. There is everything here for the hiking enthusiast. Beautiful expanses, rippling streams and lush valleys. The clean air, silence and sense of freedom are hard to beat. In Funäsfjällen there are 60 peaks over 1000 metres and clearly marked trails of varying difficulty with detailed descriptions where each peak can be reached in one day. Whether you choose to reach the summit alone or join a guided tour, a magical experience awaits with powerful views and fascinating environments. Come and experience nature with us!

30 gold tours
Funäsfjällen's golden tours consist of various full- and half-day tours that are easy to find and easy to hike for beginners and experienced hikers alike. Miles of views with expanses in all directions and an impressive silence provide the opportunity for wonderful quality time for both you and your family.
For more information visit Funäsfjällens Guldturer
There are several lovely tours in the area around Tännäs and Rogens nature reserve for those who want to hike in the mountains. The peaceful nature offers beautiful trails in a rugged and lake-rich landscape.
The curettage
An excellent tour to start with. Follow the marked trail up the hill with the summit hut as your final destination. Once up you have a magnificent 360 degree view of the entire Funäsfjällen and Sonfjället.
K2 - Take our new tour up K2. Our second fine viewing mountain. Here you usually see grouse and reindeer that are our friends in nature. When you come back after the summit tour, take the opportunity to take a dip in our lake. An absolutely perfect end to a hiking trip.
Kröketturen and K2 - For those who want to stay out a little longer and collect altitude metres. Here you have the chance to climb two mountains during the same trip. Instead of going the same way back from K1, follow the marked trail to K2. A day trip that gives you a taste for more. Finish with something good in Restaurant Árran.
Length: 5 km
Height difference: 220 m
Level of difficulty: red
Time required: 3 hours
The tour is mostly on path with some wet parts. At the start of the tour you will see the Härjedalen landscape stone, called Tännäs Ögongnejs. You can start and end this tour at Tännäskröket. ( + 5 km )

Rye fishing
Length: 15 km
Height difference: 30 m
Level of difficulty: red
Time required: 6 hours
An easy and delightful hike through the labyrinth of the lake system to Rogen.
Käringsjön - Glove soap
Length: 4 km
Height difference: 30 m
Level of difficulty: red
Time required: 2 hours
Hiking in a fascinating landscape of dead ice moraine.
The sparse forest contains 100 year old pine trees that you hardly see anywhere else. The forest, with its barren beauty and many dry patches of wolf lichen, gives the area its special character.
Käringsjön- Rogen
Length: 10 km
Height difference: 30 m
Level of difficulty: red
Time required: 4 hours
The land is called dead ice moraine and was formed when the ice sheet released its grip on the large amounts of rock and soil stored in the ice masses. The sparse forest with its barren beauty is like a balm for the soul to walk in. Overnight accommodation is available in the Rogenstugan, which is run by STF. You can also buy some food there. Continue out towards the headland and Rogsbodarna, where it is very nice. The tour is suitable for families with children.

Hiking with children
It is possible to hike with children on the trails in Tännäskröket and Funäsfjällen. There are several varied tours that guarantee a cosy mountain experience even for little feet.
If you only have a good packed lunch and comfortable shoes on your feet, you have everything you need to experience mountain nature at its best. Take the opportunity to stop along the way. Follow the tracks of the animals in nature. Drink water directly from the babbling mountain stream and enjoy a nature experience on children's terms.
10 CulTures
For the very youngest who want to hike in the mountains, there is KulTurer. Playful hiking trails that are fun, adventurous and educational, winding through forests with amazing plant and animal life. Several of the KulTuris start from the Tännäs and Tännäskrökets ski area.
Malta's Wilderness Trail
Starting point: Tännäskrökets parking
A 2.5 km easy hike. Get the form for the tip walk at Àrran before setting off on an adventure. Jump, swing and climb along the path. Tip round for young and old about our musk oxen in Tännäs.
Hike of about 500 m. Want to meet a prehistoric animal? Join a musk ox tour at Myskox Centre. You'll see musk oxen up close.
The TOR Meteorite team
Length: 1 km
Height difference: 10 m
Level of difficulty: green
Time required: 1 hour
RV 84 between Funäsdalen and Tännäs, 6 km east of Funäsdalen village. The only post-glacial meteorite impact in Sweden that has been investigated and documented. Wide wooden pavement with meeting points and a small difference in height make the impact site easily accessible even with a pushchair or wheelchair.
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For more information about all Funäsfjällens KulTures
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